2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3练习学案:Unit 2课下能力提升七
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3练习学案:Unit 2课下能力提升七第1页

  Unit 2 课下能力提升(七) 



  1.With eyes and ________ appears to be a nose on their heads, fish have the sense of sight and can smell as well.

  2.Tomorrow is Tom's birthday. Have you got any idea ________ the party is to be held?

  3.________ worried the doctors most was ________ they could find the cause of the disease.

  4.It is no use ________ (regret) what he has done.

  5.You are saying that everyone can be successful if he tries his best, and this is ________ I agree.

  6.It is really exciting ________ they are both chosen to be volunteers for the coming National Games.

  7.________ is known to us all that the 2020 Olympic Games will take place in Tokyo.

  8.Having checked the doors were closed, and ________ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

  9.A reward of 1,000 dollars will be given to ________ can find the lost child.

  10.-I was badly ill in bed yesterday.

  -I'm sorry to hear that. Is that ________ you did not attend the meeting?



  ________________ he knows nothing about me.


  I ________________ we should keep calm in time of danger.


  ____________________ recently really puzzles us all.


  __________________________ is none of my business.


  Go and get your coat. It's ____________________.




Tu Youyou together with William Campbell and Satoshi Omura won the 2015 Nobel Prize for their work against parasitic (寄生虫) diseases. Irish­born Campbell and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for discovering a new drug, avermectin (除虫菌类), that has helped the battle against river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, (淋巴丝虫病) as well as showing effectiveness against other parasitic diseases. The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, an 85­year­old female scientist, was awarded the other half of the prize for the discovery of artemisinin (青蒿素), a drug cure for malaria (疟疾) that has saved millions of lives all over the world, especially in the developing