六年级下册外研版英语《Module8 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载
六年级下册外研版英语《Module8 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载第1页


课题 :Module8Unit2 年级 六 主备人 李红萍 时间 内容 预习提纲 一、根据汉语写单词

1错误. 2说的过去式 3杯子 4微笑

5棒球 6计划 7 雨衣 8拼写

9字母 10出生


1 Why do they have cups their head?

2 What's my bag?

3 We went the zoo.

4 Amy come the classroom.

5 look the blue sky.

6 Why did the cat sit the chair?

7 There is a cat Lingling


 1 ( )Why are they here? A Because they are playing a game.

2 ( )Why is Amy tired? B Because it's going to rain.

3 ( )Why did the dog sit over there? C she is running.

4( )What is Lucy doing? D Because it didn't want to be a hot dog.

5 ( )Why are they wearing a raincoat? E Because she's playing basketball.


课题 :Module8Unit2 年级 六 主备人 李红萍 时间 2016.5 内容 当堂达标 一、情景选择

1 你想知道自己的书包放在哪里了,应该这样问:

A Where is my bag? B Where was my pen?

2 你想知道对方问什么笑,应这样问:

A Why are you laughing? B What are you laughing?

3 你想告诉对方你们计划打一场棒球赛,应这样表达:

A We plan to have a baseball team B We plan to have a baseball game

4 你想知道对方问什么笑,对方会这样回答:

A Because I'm happy. B Because I'm sad.


A It's easy to make mistakes with Chinese

B It's difficult to learnEnglish

