2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit 5 The power of nature- reading教案 (1)
2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit 5 The power of nature- reading教案 (1)第1页

Unit 5 The power of nature

Ⅰ. 单元教学目标

技能目标Skill Goals

▲Talk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologists

▲Practise expressing fear and anxiety

▲Learn the -ing form used as adverbial in a sentence

▲Write about an experience in a natural disaster and hot pools at Changbaishan

Ⅱ. 目标语言

式 Expressing fear and anxiety

I was so excited about what I had done and where I was, I forgot my fear.

I was very worried that ...

I was very relieved when ...

I was trembling almost as much as the ground under my feet.

I was still terrified.

I was so nervous that my whole body was damp with sweat.

I was so anxious that I couldn't move for a long time.

I had to force myself not to panic.

Then I got up the courage to ...

词 汇 1. 四会词汇

volcano, erupt, eruption, ash, hurricane, adventure, bore, excite, evaluate, unfortunate, unfortunately, fountain, absolute, absolutely, fantastic, crater, potential, impress, impressive, precious, novelist, cancel, effort, relieve, tremble, sweat, anxiety, anxious, panic, courage, typhoon, heaven, diverse, diversity, unique, bathe, swallow, guarantee

2. 认读词汇

volcanology, volcanologist, observatory, lava, Mount Kilauea, molten, crane, leopard, Siberian, spectacular, crystal, crystal clear, peak, persuasion, Manchu

3. 词组

compare ... with, burn to the ground, make an effort, make one's way, glance through, vary from ... to ...

4. 重点词汇

volcano, ash, lava, adventure, erupt, excite, fountain, fantastic, impressive, relieve, anxiety, anxious, panic, courage

子 1. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. P34

2. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. P34

3. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful natural forces on earth - the volcano. P34

4. It wasn't very easy to walk in these suites, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. P35

5. The height of the land varies from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals. P39 Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元以The power of nature 为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解火山爆发、地震、台风、洪水等自然现象,认识到自然的伟大力量,并会用所学词汇描述在经历自然灾害时的感受,思考人类应对自然灾害的态度和方法,提高自我保护意识。

1.1 Warming Up通过对火山爆发示意图的讨论激活学生了解与本单元话题相关的背景知识,而后通过讨论人类应对自然灾害的措施引发学生对本单元话题的思考,激发学生的求知欲,为随后进行的听、说、读、写打下基础。

1.2 Pre-reading通过回答问题测试自己是否适合作火山学家,让学生了解这一陌生职业,为阅读做好准备。

1.3 Reading部分一位火山学家以第一人称的形式讲述了自己的工作及第一次目睹火山爆发时的情景和心情,描写了人与自然的斗争与和谐相处的乐趣,使学生认识到火山是美丽的,但同时极具破坏力,而火山学家的工作可以减少由火山引发的损失。

1.4 Comprehending设计了两种题型:第一题要求学生在阅读后回答相关问题;第二题检测学生对文章细节的理解。

1.5 Learning about Language 分为词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分着重从词的意义用法和表达方面对