2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit 22 Section Ⅵ (自修课) Writing—报 告
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit 22  Section Ⅵ (自修课)  Writing—报 告第1页

  Section_Ⅵ (自修课)Writing-_报__告






  2.报告的目的(Aim of the Report)

  3.陈述(Comments):陈述有负面陈述(Negative Comments)和积极陈述(Positive


  4.结论和建议(Conclusion and Suggestions)


  1.The aim of this report is to .../This report aims to ...

  2.There are several disappointing facts and figures.

  3.There are also problems caused by ...

  4.Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, there are the problems caused by ...

  5.On the other hand, there are some encouraging things.

  6.Although these figures are depressing, things have improved recently.

  7.Despite these depressing figures, things have improved recently.

  8.For example, the Chinese government has recently decided to ...

  9.As a result of this, people now expect ...

  10.What this means is that people now expect ...

  11.To sum up, the situation is ...

  12.All things considered, there seems to be ...



随着哥本哈根世界气候大会的召开,越来越多的人关注气候变化。请你写一篇100词左右的报告,简要描述过量排放二氧化碳 (carbon dioxide)的危害(严重的风暴、干旱、全球变暖......),并提出具体建议,号召人们选择低碳生活 (low­carbon life) 方式。