2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 2 Language Period 7 Grammar Empty subject “It”》
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 2  Language Period 7 Grammar Empty subject “It”》第1页


1、Revise countries and languages

2、Review Grammar: noun clause and finish exercises on page. 28-29

Grammar: Empty subject "It" (形式主语)

1、"it" 在英语中是个很活跃的单词,有许多功能,作形式主语是其功能之一。用"It"作形式主语,主要是因为句子的真正主语较长,为了避免产生头重脚轻的现象才使用的。"It"作形式主语时,有一些惯用句式:

1) 当主语是主语从句时,常用句式:It + be + adj./ n. + 主语从句.

e.g. It is quite important that we study every subject well.

It is my duty that the lights are turned off when we leave the classroom.

It is still a question when and where we will have the meeting.

It's strange that he should be late for the conference.

2) 当主语是不定式短语时,常用句式:It + be + adj. / n. + (for sb.) + to do sth.

e.g. It's necessary for us to obey the school rules.

It's impossible for you to finish the work in two hours.

3) 当主语是表示抽象概念的动名词短语时,常用句式:It + be + adj. / n. + doing sth.

e.g. It's no use / good / useless reading such a book.

4) It is said / known / believed / reported... that .....

e.g. It is said that he was once a thief.

It is expected that we students grasp the English language.

5) It seems(seemed) / looks(looked) / happens(happened) ...that...

e.g. It seems that he has known the answer to the question.

It happened that I had no money on me that day.

It proved that what he said was not true.

6) 当要强调句子的主语、宾语、状语时,可使用句型:

  It + be + 被强调部分+ that(强调人时也用who) + 余下部分。

e.g. It was I that / who am a teacher.

It was in the cinema that we saw the film.

It was at midnight that the fire broke out.

对比:It was midnight when the fire broke out.

2、Turn to page 30. Read the explanation.

Practice:Finish the exercises on page 31.

Language focus

1、promise:vt. / vi. 允诺、答应

promise sb. sth. = promise sth. to sb.:答应(给)某人某物

e.g. She promised me early return.

My father promised me a computer if I got good marks in the exam. =