
备课人 使用人 学科 课 题 She's a nice teacher. 课时 教学目标    1. Students can read and understand the new words: nice, clever, shy, naughty

   2.Students can understand the following sentence structure: This is+人; 教学重难点 1.The new words: nice, clever, shy, naughty, a bit

2.The sentence structure: This is+ 人; He's\She's ... 教学准备 点读机、card 教学过程 教学过程


1. Greetings:

T: Good morning boys and girls

S: Good morning teacher

T: How are you today?

S: I'm fine. Thank you. And how are you?

T: I'm fine, too. How was your holiday? (你们假期过得怎么样)


设计意图:本堂课是开学以来的第一堂课,学生们刚刚度过愉快的假期。 谈论假期可以充分引起他们的兴趣,同时还可以锻炼他们日常口语。

2. Review

T: In my holiday, I have made many friends(交了许多朋友)。

    Do you want to know my friends? Ok, Let's look at them together. (见附带的可课件)


(二)New teachering

1. Listening (听力教学)

T; Panpan also has made many friends in holiday. Let's see who they are.

1) Listen to the tape and answer the matching question. (见附带课件中的连一连)

2) Listen the ape again and fill in the blanks (见附带课件中的填一填)

2.New words (单词教学)

T: Let's look at the new words for today. (见附带课件中的写一写)

Learn the new words by reading and writing (使用单词卡片)

在讲解 shy, nice, naughty 时,向学生展示图片

3.New structure (句型教学)

T: 叫一个男生到讲台上上, 然后用 This is+ 人名;He's very\a bit+ 形容词介绍他



练习后找几组成员到前面表演 ,并给奖励


(三) Practice

1. 游戏: Who is he\she? (他\她是谁?) 在课件中呈现几张图片(刘星-naughty; 小雪---clever; 小雨---cute; 躲在妈妈背后的豆豆--- shy; 笑脸---nice)让学生学习的句型介绍他们。

(四)Summary 总结复习本课讲的句型和单词

