2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修7精品学案:Unit 1Section_ⅡWarming Up & Reading — Language Points
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修7精品学案:Unit 1Section_ⅡWarming  Up & Reading — Language Points第1页

  Section_ⅡWarming Up & Reading - Language Points




  1.clumsy:_moving in an awkward way and tending to make things fall over

  2.adapt:_to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes so that you get used to a new situation

  3.suitable:_right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion

  4.fellow:_people who work, study etc. with you

  5.conduct:_the way someone behaves, especially in public, in his job etc.

  6.hearing:_the sense which you use to hear sounds


  7.disability n.伤残;无力;无能→disable vt.使(某人)残废;使......无能→disabled adj.伤残的

  8.ambition n.雄心;野心→ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的

  9.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的→benefit n.好处;益处v.有益于;获益

  10.annoy vt.使......不悦;惹恼→annoyed adj.颇为生气的→annoyance n.烦恼

  11.encouragement n.鼓励;奖励→ encourage vt.鼓励;激励→courage n.勇气;胆量;勇敢

  12.absence n.缺席;不在某处→presence n.出席;在场(反义词)→absent adj.缺席的

  13.psychology n.心理(学)→psychological adj.心理(学)的;精神上的→psychologically adv.心理(学)地;精神上地


  1.suitable adj.适合的;适宜的

  [教材原句] Although some may think the cinema is noisy, it is suitable for Sally's condition.


  ①It is not suitable for you to dress like that for a party.


  ②We need to find someone suitable to replace Mary.



  ③be suitable for/to   适合于

  ④be suitable to_do sth. 适合做某事




2.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的