2018学年度人教版选修7Unit1Living wellperiod4-5Learning about language教案设计 (9页word版)
2018学年度人教版选修7Unit1Living wellperiod4-5Learning about language教案设计  (9页word版)第1页

2018学年度人教版选修7Unit1Living wellperiod4-5教案设计

Period 4 & 5 Learning about Language

Teaching Goals:

1. To learn the use of some new words and expressions.

2. To understand some difficult sentences.

3. To revise the various use of the infinitive.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Word study

1. disability n state of being disabled

He has terrible mental disability and cannot live by himself.

● 拓展:

(1) disable adj make sb unable to do sth, esp by making a limb or limbs useless

The soldier was disabled by leg wounds

(2) disabled adj unable to use a limb or limbs

Yesterday I met a disabled child with a wheel chair.

(3) the disabled pl people who are disabled walking aids for the disabled.

The disabled should be cared about.

2. ambition n