2017--2018学年译林版选修七Unit 2 fit for life welcome to the unit学案
2017--2018学年译林版选修七Unit 2 fit for life welcome to the unit学案第1页

  Unit 2 fit for life welcome to the unit学案

  Please match the words with their proper meanings.

  1.chemist   A.having a helpful or useful effect

  2.revolution B.to have or own something

  3.beneficial C.a person whose job is to prepare and sell medicines

  4.possess D.necessary in order for sth. to succeed

  5.vital E.surprise sb. greatly

  6.astonish F.a great change that affects a large number of people

  7.accelerate G.agreement to a plan or request

  8.approval H.happen or make something happen faster

  答案:1~5 CFABD 6~8 EHG



  Ⅰ.As a saying goes, health is better than wealth. We can keep fit by eating different kinds of fruits and nutritious foods. Also we can do many kinds of sports to keep us strong. But what if we get sick? For example, we have a high temperature, have a headache, have caught a bad cold - the most common illness among us. We can turn to medicine for help. Today we'll talk about two medicines - aspirin and penicillin, which have had important effects on our life, even saved millions of people.



  Ⅱ. In addition to medicines, we have other ways to treat people's illnesses. Look at the following pictures and then match them with their names.