2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit 5 The power of nature-reading 学案
2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit 5 The power of nature-reading 学案第1页

班级 高二()班 教师 时间 周 第 节 课题 Unit Four Making the news

Period 1: Warming up and reading

教学目标 Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter, how to conduct a good interview, and how to protect a story from accusation.

重点 1.Let students talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.

2.Have students learn different reading skills. 难点 1.Develop students reading ability.

2.Let students talk about what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 教具 multimedia

教学过程 Step 1: Lead- in

Greet the whole class as usual and ask Ss some questions about their future jobs.

1).Have you ever considered about your future job or occupation?

2). What kind of occupation would you like to take? / What's your ideal of job in future? Why?

Step 2: Warming up

Ask Ss to look at newspapers previously prepared and guess what kind of jobs would be needed to produce newspaper articles.

Ask Ss to work in pairs and fill in the chart

Profession What it involves Reporter/ Journalist Interview people or finds out events from onlookers and writes news stories Editor Checks the writing and facts and makes changes if necessary Photographer Takes photographs of important people or events Critic Gives opinion on plays and books Designer Lay out articles and photographs Foreign correspondent Reports form abroad Step 3: Pre-reading

Ask the Ss work in pairs to discuss the qualities needed for a newspaper reporter and evaluate which qualities they consider are the most important, and they can also make some complements.

1. Ask the Ss to work in pairs to discuss an occasion of this sort that they remember e.g. fist day at a new school, and ask them to consider why they remember it and especially how they felt. Then choose some of them to tell their experiences.

Step 4: Reading

Fast reading. Ask the Ss to go through the whole passage as fast as they can and try to find answers to the following questions.

  1. Could Zhou Yang go out on a story alone immediately? Why (not)?

  2. What mistakes must he avoid?

  3. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work?

Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.

1). Why was Zhou Yang's first work assignment unforgettable?( D)

A. Because it was his first work day as a reporter.

B. Because he had the chance to meet his new boss.

C. Because he made a strong impression on his new boss.

D. Because he got some advice from his new boss.

2)According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?( A )

A. The questions a reporter prepares to ask are fixed.

B. A reporter must be able to tell when people are lying.

C. Listening is a very important skill for a reporter.

D. Zhou Yang's colleagues are willing to help each other.

3)According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?( D )

A. Zhou Yang covered a story on the first day.

B. The footballer was proved not to be guilty.

C. A reporter needs to take a camera with him or her.

D. A reporter needs to take notes while listening