2019-2020学年外研版高中英语优化学案:单元检测(二十二) Great Scientists
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语优化学案:单元检测(二十二)  Great Scientists第1页

单元检测(二十二) Great Scientists



  One day Thomas Alva Edison was given a letter by his teacher. His teacher asked him to give it to his mother. Edison thought it was something nice. After he returned home, he proudly gave it to his mother, saying "My teacher let me give this letter to you."

  Not knowing what it was, Edison's mother opened it, and then her eyes opened wide. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her son and read out the letter aloud, "Your child is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn't have enough good teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself."

  The fact was that Edison liked asking strange questions in class. His teachers thought he was mentally ill. They could no longer stand him and decided to stop him from going to school. However, Edison's mother didn't give up on her son. She taught him at home.

  Many years after Edison's mother died and he was already one of the greatest inventors, one day he was looking through the old family things. Suddenly he saw a piece of folded paper in the corner of a drawer. He took it and opened it up. It read, "Your son is addled (mentally ill). We won't let him come to school anymore."

  Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary, "Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child, but, by his hero mother, he becomes the genius of the century."

  Having faith in those we love is very important. We should have faith in those around us. Even if others have given up on you, you should have faith in yourself.


  1.How did Edison's mother probably feel when reading the letter?

  A.Relaxed.         B.Sad.

  C.Proud. D.Calm.

  解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的"... and then her eyes opened wide. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her son and read out the letter aloud ..."及下文内容可知,爱迪生的妈妈读那封信时应该很难过。

2.In the teachers' opinion, Edison________.