2018-2019学年高二英语外研版必修五学案:Module 5 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)
2018-2019学年高二英语外研版必修五学案:Module 5 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)第1页

  Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ) (IntegratingSkills & Cultural Corner )

  [教 材 语 篇 细 研]

  第一步 细读--把控文章关键信息


  1.According to the first paragraph,which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Marathon is the most exciting event in the Olympics.

  B.The soldier was the first sportsman who attended Marathon.

  C.The soldier died before he announced the news.

  D.Marathon is the final event in the Olympics.

  2.The distance of Marathon was changed to 42 km because ________.

  A.the origin distance was a little short

  B.the distance between Marathon and Athens was 42 km

  C.the King of England raised his requests

  D.42 km is the most scientific distance

  3.When the leader comes to run for the last metres,the crowd rises to their feet to shout and cheer,from which we can infer ________.

  A.Marathon is welcomed and liked by people

  B.there are many people watching the event

  C.waiting people get impatient

  D.Marathon is very interesting

  4.Who can be the runner of Marathon?

  A.The strongest ones.

  B.The athletes with gifts.

  C.Most people who are trained for it.

  D.The ones with strong will.

  【答案】 1-4 DCAC

第二步 精读--能力升华 接轨高考