
Unit4 Making the news 学案三


1. delighted

  【原句回放】We're delighted you're coming to work with us. (P26)

  【点拨】 delighted adj. very pleased and happy,


  be delighted to do sth.  be delighted at/ by  be delighted that

  如:The mother was delighted at the recovery of her baby.

  She was delighted to hear the twitter of the birds somewhere near her window.

  We're delighted that you'll be here soon.

  【拓展】 delight vt. 表示"使(某人)高兴, n. 快乐,使人快乐的人或事。

       delightful adj. very pleasant, 令人愉悦的

  常用短语:take delight in (doing) sth. to one's delight

  with/ in delight

  如:He delighted the audience with his humourous words.

    Jack is a delightful young man.

    Carl takes great delight in teasing his classmates.

    She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans.

    Hearing class was over, the boys rushed out of the classroom in delight.


  As an amateur of ballet, Andrea was ______ at the chance to go to the ballet ball.

  A. delighted    B. horrified    C. delightful    D. horrible

2. concentrate

  【原句回放】... so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you're interested. (P26)

  【点拨】 concentrate vt./vi. to give all your attention to the thing you are doing ,表示"集中(注意力、思想等)"常与介词______连用,也表示"使......集中于一点",常用于被动语态。

  如:A driver should concentrate on the road when driving.

    Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country.

  【拓展】 concentrated adj. 表示"集中的"只能作定语;

       concentration n. 表示"集中精力"

   lose concentration 走神

  如:This paper will need all your concentration.

    A good scientist should make a concentrated effort to study well.


  There is too much noise outside; I can't ______ my attention on my book.

  A. fill   B. pay   C. connect   D. concentrate

3. eager

  【原句回放】You'll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so ... (P26)

  【点拨】eager adj. full of strong desire to do sth. 表示"热切的,渴望的"。

  常用短语:  be eager for   be eager to do sth.

如:Students are eager for new knowledge.

    She is eager to please her boss.