2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 19 Communication Workshop学案设计(5页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 19 Communication Workshop学案设计(5页word版)第1页

2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 19 Communication Workshop学案设计



  1.Only when everything is OK will the patent be registered (登记,注册).

  2.There were five applicants (申请人) for the position;maybe you would succeed.

  3.I sincerely (真诚地) hope that all the students study hard in the good times and grow into useful talents to society.

  4.All the windows have been securely fastened (系,栓) before the storm.

  5.The_regulations (规则) are made to protect women's and children's rights and interests.

  6.Not knowing what to say, Arthur seemed embarrassed (窘迫的) at the question.

  7.He is always very punctual (守时的), so it is impossible for him to be late for the meeting.

  8.All personnel (全体员工) of the company are eligible (有资格的) for the retirement plan.


  1.I don't like making speeches in public; it's so embarrassed.embarrassed→embarrassing

   2.She's never punctual to appointments so you can expect to be kept waiting._第一个to→for

  3.I should apply to the post if I were you.I think you have a good chance.to→for

  4.Just as Professor Scotti often puts, success is ninety­nine percent mental attitude.puts后加it

6. He won't object to us at the meeting given (that) we will ask for his advice in advance.去掉will