【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 2 Sporting events 1》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 2 Sporting events 1》第1页

I 词语辨析

1、take part in / join / attend / join in

take part in:参加、加入(成为其中的一员),后接活动名词

e.g. Did you take part in the sports meeting last week?

I take part in all kinds of activities in my spare time.


e.g. My mother intended me to join the army.

He joined the Party when he was in his twenties.


e.g. We attend school every day except on Sat. and Sunday.

She attended our wedding party and stayed to do some cleaning.

join in:参加(活动)

e.g. We all joined in the running with them.

They joined in our singing but didn't have dinner with us.

注:join sb. in (doing) sth.:加入某人的行列做某事、和某人一起做某事

2、remove / move


e.g. My name was removed from the list and I don't know why.

Will you remove your shoes before you come into the room?

A gentleman should remove his hat to a lady.

He was removed from his company last month.

The result of the exam removed a heavy stone off my heart.


e.g. Please move your chair closer to the desk.

We were all moved to tears by his heroic deeds.

The girl moved her eyes from side to side, meaning "NO".

3、separate / divide


e.g. After school, the children separated in all directions.

No child should be separated from his mother by force.

Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan Island from mainland of China.

divide:把一个整体分割开成若干份,常用:divide ... into...句式。

e.g. The whole text can be divided into three parts.

They divided the cake into five parts and each of them had a share.

divide sth into halves = divide sth. in half / two