2018-2019学年人教版高一英语必修三专题之 预习导航 学案:Unit5SectionⅠ
2018-2019学年人教版高一英语必修三专题之 预习导航 学案:Unit5SectionⅠ第1页


  一、阅读课文A TRIP ON "THE TRUE NORTH"并回答下列问题

  1.According to the text,the route of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian's journey is ______.

  A.Vancouver→Calgary→Thunder Bay→Toronto→Montreal

  B.Calgary→Vancouver→Thunder Bay→Toronto→Montreal

  C.Toronto→Calgary→Thunder Bay→Vancouver→Montreal

  D.Thunder Bay→Calgary→Toronto→Vancouver→Montreal

  2.Why are the cousins not flying direct to Montreal on the Atlantic coast?

  A.Because they have not got so much money.

  B.Because they want to take the train to have a good view of Canada.

  C.The aeroplane is too fast.

  D.The distance from the west coast to the east isn't so long.

  3.What is "The True North" according to the text?

  A.The northern part of Canada.

  B.The name of a part of Canada.

  C.The name that they call the whole country.

  D.The name of the train that goes across Canada.

  4.Which sentence about Canada is NOT true?

  A.Vancouver is the warmest part of Canada.

  B.Canada is bigger than America and is the second biggest country in the world.

C.The cousins are able to cross Canada in less than five days.