

课题: 期中复习2

年级 :高二 科目 :英语




1.If you have a job,________yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.

A.do devote B.don't devote

C.devoting D.not devoting

2.He describes everything in________order,which makes________excellent impression upon us.

A.the;an B./;the

C.the;/ D./;an

3.I________him________I saw him in the street one day after twenty years' parting.

A.realized;in a moment

B.recognized;the minute

C.knew;for the minute

D.understood;for the moment

4.-What do you think of the talk given by Professor Smith last night?

-I think you'd call it a lecture________a talk.

A.other than B.as well as

C.regardless of D.rather than

5.All the nations,powerful or not,should be________harmony with each other.

A.out of B.in C.on D.of

6.________a piece of paper round the flowers so that they'll be easier to carry.

A.Buy B.Cut

C.Fold D.Show

7.He doesn't have________furniture in his room-just an old desk.

A.any B.many

8.It is no________arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.