2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修二教案:Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits SectionⅣ
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修二教案:Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits SectionⅣ第1页

Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module





  The health care system of a country is very important and different countries have different ways of① paying for② it.

  Britain was the first country in the world to have③ a free④ health care system paid for by the government⑤. Health care is free for everyone living in Britain⑥. Most doctors and nurses work for the government and most hospitals are owned by the government. Until recently this system was very successful but recently there have been problems. This is because⑦ the government has not put enough money into⑧ the health service⑨. As a result\s\up1(10(10), more people are using private⑪ health insurance⑫. They see doctors who work for themselves and pay the doctors through the health insurance company⑬.

  In America the system is very different. Most people have private health insurance. Doctors work for themselves and hospitals are privately owned.The health insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals.The problem with⑭ this system is that poorer people don't have the money to pay for private health insurance.⑮ As a result, they often have both health and money problems.

  Canada has a different system again. Health care is free. Doctors work privately and hospitals are privately owned.When you become ill⑯, medical fees⑰ are paid for by the government.   ①have different ways of 有......的不同方法

  way后接to do或of doing作后置定语。

  ②pay for 支付

  ③the first ...to do sth. 第一个做某事的......,不定式作定语。

  ④free adj.免费的,be free for 对......免费

  ⑤paid for ...为过去分词短语作后置定语。

  ⑥living in Britain为现在分词短语作后置定语。

  ⑦This/That/It is because ...句型中,because引导表语从句。

  ⑧put ...into ... 将......投入到......

  ⑨service n.服务

  \s\up1(10(10)as a result 结果,因此

  ⑪private adj.私人的,privately adv.私下里,个人地


  ⑬health insurance company健康保险公司

  ⑭the problem with (关于)......的问题


  ⑯become ill生病

  ⑰medical fees 医疗费用