2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案:Module 2《Highlights of my senior Year-Grammar》学案
2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案:Module 2《Highlights of my senior Year-Grammar》学案第1页

 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year

Grammar(I) - Predictive Clause






【知识链接】1. 预习提示:书18-19页出现的(可能)生词:

P18-predicative 表语(的) subject 主语(的) experience(-s) n._________

belief (n.) 信仰-(v)_________ express (v) 表达 emphasise (v)__________

truth (n)________ structure (n) 结构 issue (n)__________

2. 回忆你所能想出的系动词,至少五个-


3. 选做题-划出下列句子的成分(提示:主?系?表?宾?引导词?等等。)

[C](1)My suggestion is that you go there by yourself.

[B](2)It looks as if it's going to rain.

[A](3)What made his parents proud is that their daughter had been admitted by Oxford.

[B](4)I wondered whether you can go with us.


?Thinking: What is a "Predictive clause"?


1. 试从下列例句里 总结出 表语从句的先行词(即系动词)----

1) China is no longer what she used to be. 今日的中国不再是过去的中国了。

2) The question remains whether they will be able to help us. 问题还是他们能否帮我们。

3)At that time,it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word.


4) It appears that she was wrong. 看来她错了。

5) He looks as if he's tired. 他好像累了。
