【夯实双基】2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案:Unit3《The world of colours and light》Grammar and usage
【夯实双基】2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案:Unit3《The world of colours and light》Grammar and usage第1页

Unit 3 The world of colours and light

After learning this period, the students will be able to:

1. understand how inversions are formed;

2. summarize the cases in which inversion is used;

中华资源库3. learn to change inversion into normal structure or vice versa.

Teaching procedures:

1. Guide students to compare the following pairs of sentences and tell the difference between them.

● They went to the park last Sunday. Did they go to the park last Sunday?

● He likes to read newspaper articles about social problems. What does he like to read?

2. Ask the students to go through Part A and underline the inversions included in the text and ask the students to analyse and explain the reason why inversion can be used in these cases. While doing this, help the students figure out what is inversion. Then ask the students to read the guidelines on P40. Make sure that they know that inversion sometimes can put emphasis on the predicate instead of on the subject. Firstly, get the students to work on their own and then compare their notes in pairs.

Step 2 Inversion in different cases (PPT7-33)

1. Questions. (PPT8)

 This part is easy for the students to understand. So just ask them to give more examples.

2.1. When a sentence begins with a negative word or a negative phrase such as neither, nor, never, not, at no time, seldom, and hardly, inversion is used. (PPT9-11)

For this part, first ask the students to read individually and then work in pairs: one student reads the inverted sentence, the other one puts it in its normal order and vice versa. More sentences are suggested:

(1) I have never met him before. Never have I met him before.

(2) We have seldom seen such a horrible film. Seldom have we seen such a horrible film.

(3) She had hardly entered the house when she heard a baby crying. Hardly had she entered the house when she heard a baby crying.

(4) She did not sing a single song at yesterday's party. Not a single song did she sing at yesterday's party.

2.2. When the sentence begins with only or so, inversion is used. (PPT12-13)

Ask the students to give more examples to practise with each other, especially about "only". Ask the students to compare:

(1) Only in this way can you work out the problem.