2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit 3 Section Ⅴ Project
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit  3  Section Ⅴ  Project第1页








  Unusual pictures

  Someone once said that anything and everything could be used to make art. A few years ago, a picture of Mona Lisa was made out of slices① of bread toasted to different colours②. It probably smelled good, but it took a long time to do. This web page gives you some ideas that you could use to make unusual pictures③.

  Pizza faces

  Put your apron④ on and get ready to make a pizza face. Now you can be a chef⑤ and an artist. You can use a variety of different foods to help you make a face. Here are a few ideas⑥.

  Use small slices of carrot or pieces of seaweed⑦ as hair, and arrange it in the style⑧ that you want⑨. Cut up⑩ some tomatoes for eyes, pieces of cheese for ears, and a mushroom for a nose. Next, you need to think about the mouth-you could make a smile from a slice of bacon. Other foods you could use to create pizza faces⑪ include onion⑫, pineapple⑬, eggplant⑭ and ham. Most of these foods are availble⑮ at your local grocery.

  When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so that you can keep your unusual picture forever. Once you have taken the photo⑯, you can then cook and eat the pizza face.

  An artist in the USA once made pizza faces from fruit and vegetables. He took photos of each one and then used these photographs to make birthday cards. Since then he has sold over two million cards.



  a slice of一片......

  ②过去分词短语toasted to different colours作后置定语,修饰bread。

  ③that you could use to make unusual pictures是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词some ideas。
