2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(通用):Unit 2 Language Welcome to the unit
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(通用):Unit 2 Language Welcome to the unit第1页


单  元:Unit 2 Language

板  块:Welcome to the unit


  本课时是单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。"Welcome to the unit"作为一个单元的起始,主要起到"预热"的功能,其具体作用体现在:


  二、导入本单元的"main topic",为整个单元的话题的讨论提供引子;



Teaching aims:

1. Get to know more about different forms of languages;

2. Learn different ways in which information can be transmitted;

3. Get fully involved in the discussion and share the experiences of learning English.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

The teacher starts the lesson with a small guessing game. Students are divided into several groups. A question "How many languages are there in the world?" is presented on the screen. Answers varying from "more than 2000" to "more than 7000" are also presented on the screen. Students are encouraged to guess the answers. And students who guess it right can gain points for their groups. And the answer is more than 6000.


Step 2 Presentation of a card