2018-2019学年度人教版选修6 unit4 Global Warming-reading教案 (7)
2018-2019学年度人教版选修6 unit4 Global Warming-reading教案 (7)第1页


Reading---The earth is becoming warmer---but does it matter?

Analysis of the text

  This text belongs to book6unit 4,concerning global warming. The text mainly illustrates the cause of global warming, two different attitudes towards global warming and the possible effects of global warming. It is aimed at improving people's environmental protective awareness. As a student ,we should try our best to reduce the release of carbon dioxide to prevent the earth becoming warmer, to make the earth a better place to live in. while explaining the text the author has used different writing styles: explanation, graph, comparison.

Analysis of the students

  The students are senior two ,who can be armed with some basic knowledge of reading skills ,they can find the main idea ,giving key points of each paragraph. At the same time they can identify some simple writing methods, for example, comparison, explanation, using graphs or diagrams.