2019-2020学年外研版高一英语必修4精品学案:Module1 整单元 (有答案)
2019-2020学年外研版高一英语必修4精品学案:Module1 整单元 (有答案)第1页

Book 4 Module 1 Life in the future

Period I Apr.

I. Word study

  concret 替换的 预测

  材料 landfill catalogue

  娱乐,消遣 开关 surgery

  outpatient 乐观的 首先

II.Teaching steps

  1. Introduction: Exercise 1. 2. on P1

  2. Reading and vocabulary: Exercise 3.4.5 on P3

III. choose the best answer

1. In the future, it is certain that .

A. care for the environment will become very unimportant.

B. no smoking will be allowed within a future a future city's limits.

C. people will waste more natural resources.

D. the cities are going to get bigger before they get smaller.

  2. Which of the following materials can not be recycled?

   A. plastic and aluminium B. steel and glass

    C. paint and building rubbish D. wood and paper

  3. According to the text, the following statements are true except .

   A. it is very common for ordinary citizens to travel in space in the future.

    B. smoking will be forbidden in the future.

    C. the future police will arrest criminals by firing nets.

    D. the future cars will not be powered by gasoline any more.

  4. In the text, " free of charge" means

   A. you have to pay much money B. sth cost little

   C. sth needs spending much money D. you don't have to pay money

  5. We will also have to rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and .

   A. wind power B. steel C. coal D. All of above

  6. Everyone will be given a at birth that will never change no matter where they live.

   A. telephone B. computer C. ID card D. telephone number


IV. Fill in the blanks

Part1: The city of the future

1. the environment will become very important.