2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修七教案(江苏省专用):Unit 1 Reading (1)
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修七教案(江苏省专用):Unit 1 Reading (1)第1页

2.Make students know the history of TV and audio devices. 重点 Get Ss to grasp the main idea of the text 难点 How to get the a brief understanding of the text.

Help students to finish the exercises on page4-5. 教法及教具 Reading, discussing

教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体

活动 TV and audio devices: a review

Reading strategy: understanding subtitles

Subtitles appear after titles and give you more information about the text than the titles.

TV (In order of time)

1)Early history of TV

2)The modern age: cable TV, satellite TV, digital TV

Audio devices(By types of equipment)

1)Early history of audio devices

2)Tape recorders and players

3)Sound goes digital

First reading: read the text and finish Part A on P2

1. When did regular public TV broadcasting?

2. What is WebTV?

3. What was invented in 1954?

C1:True or false exercises

1.Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice.

2. Until 1972, most people used black-and-white TV.

3. Satellite TV is delivered with greater clarity than digital TV.

4. The first record player was invented before 1877.

5. Transistor technology was first used to receive radio programes, and then to develop cassette recorders.

6.CDs were invented about ten years before the MD player was invented.

7. MP3 technology began in Germany in 1987

Part D: Match the following words with the correct definitions.





5.wound up




a.able to be carried

b.asking for sth, firmly

c.a written list of questions for

finding information or opinions

d.not sure, feeling doubt about sth.

e.a report on sth. that shows a

sequence of events

f.a paper that proves you are the only person or company able to produce a certain product.

g.made to move around itself or sth else.

h. better