2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏省启东中学高中英语教案必修1《Unit I School life Period 8 Task Report school activities》
2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏省启东中学高中英语教案必修1《Unit I School life Period 8  Task Report school activities》第1页

Language Focus

1. present

vt. 意为"展现" "演出" "显出"

 e.g. They presented 15 lively songs, dances and ballads(曲艺)。

与with连用,意为"致送" "递交",与to通用。

 e.g. They presented me with a bunch of flowers.

与反身代词连用,意为"出现" "到某地"。

 e.g. The question naturally presented itself in my mind.


 e.g. He had the honor of being presented to the Premier.

   I felt it an honor (present) to the president.

 adj. 出席的,在场的,现在的,目前的

 e.g. Present at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned.

 n. 礼物 a birthday present

2. A program is a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved.

to be done 和to be achieved 是不定式的被动形式作定语,表示将要执行的被动动作。

 e.g. There're the letters to be posted at once.


to be done / being done / done... :

 e.g. The bridge being built there will be completed next month.

   Here is the letter written to you.

   These are the letters at once. Could you spare a few minutes and do me the favor?

   A. posted B. being posted C. will be posted D. to be posted

3. 辨析

take place vi. 发生,举行,常指经过安排的事

happen vi. 发生,碰巧,强调偶然性

occur vi. "发生"同happen, 但比它正式

 break out vi. 爆发,突然发生,常指战争,灾害,疾病等的发生

 go on vi. 发生,普通用语,相当于take place/ happen

 When will our school sports meeting ?

 The First World War in 1914.

 A terrible traffic accident last night.

 It to me that I had forgotten my keys.

 place的其它短语:take one's place 就位,代替某人;take the place of 代替

  in place of = (instead of) 代替;

 Plastics can metal.

 She likes everything before she starts work..

 She couldn't attend the meeting, so her assistant . .

4. The more choices you have, the better your final decisions will be.

 The +比较级,the +比较级 句式,前一部分为条件状语从句,后一部分为主句。

e.g. The harder you practise, the greater progress you'll make.