2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4精品教案:Unit 1Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_Language
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4精品教案:Unit 1Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_Language第1页



  Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage.

  1.The text tells us that ________.

  A.how the writer chose her major at college

  B.what Lin Qiaozhi did helps a lot of people who needed medical service

  C.Lin Qiaozhi has a lot of good quality to be famous

  D.why Lin Qiaozhi decided to study medicine

  2.The small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies was intended for ________.

  A.the women who would give birth to a baby

  B.the persons who wanted to keep healthy

  C.the women who lived in the countryside

  D.the women who couldn't reach the countryside

  3.________ made Lin Qiaozhi famous.

  A.Hard work and determination

  B.Good nature

  C.Her delivering a baby

  D.Her kindness and consideration to all her patients

  4.After reading the information about Lin Qiaozhi, the writer decided to study ________ at college.

  A.English        B.biology

  C.chemistry D.medicine

  5.From the text we can know that ________.

  A.Lin Qiaozhi never got married

  B.in the early 20th century, women had the same right as men in education

  C.if a poor family couldn't pay Lin Qiaozhi, she wouldn't deliver a baby for the family

  D.Lin Qiaozhi was cleverer than her classmates and as a result, she became a specialist

  答案:1~5 BCDDA




  1.intend (v.) to plan to do something

  2.emergency (n.) an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate action is necessary

  3.generation (n.) a group of people in society who are born and live around the same time

  4.deliver (v.) to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to

5.consideration (n.) the act of thinking carefully about sth.