【学海无涯】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案:Unit1《Women of Achievement Writing》
【学海无涯】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案:Unit1《Women of Achievement Writing》第1页

  Unit1 Women of achievement

第2周第10课时 编号:10 课题:Writing--- Describe a person



Learn to describe a person


Practise the way to describe a person


1. Individual work to finish part 1 and part3

2. Group discussion to finish part2



   Answer the following questions according the clues in the brackets(括号).

1. When did you read the passage about Madam Curie? (last night)


2. What do you know about her after reading the passage?

1)She__________________________________________________(be born in Poland in1867 and die in1937).

2) She_________________________________(study physics in France).

3)She________________________________________________________(become a French professor of physics and a great scientist ).

4)What did she discover in her research? ( two kinds of radioactive matters- Polonium and Radium(钋和镭)


5) Was it hard for her to do the research?( yes)

  Yes. It was hard for her to_______________________.

6)What did she get for the discoveries?(the Nobel Prizes for Physics and Chemistry)
