2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教学设计:Module2 period 3Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教学设计:Module2 period 3Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening第1页

 Period3 Grammar, Vocabulary

and Listening

课题 Period3 Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening  课型 New

教学目标 1. Enable the Ss to learn the link word.

2. Help the Ss learn the difference between link words.

3.To train the Ss listening skills. 重点 Enable the Ss to learn the link word. 难点 Help the Ss learn the difference between link words. 学情分析 The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer 教法 1. question, ask and answer.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. 教学程序 教学内容 师生

活动 时间分配 Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 Step 1 Presentation

a. Look at the link words but and however in these sentences. Then answer the questions.

1) The report shows that we are making progress but that we need to make greater efforts.

2) In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great.

3) More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other parts of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.

Q1. Does however mean the same as but?

Q2. Which link word begins a sentence?

Q3. Which link word can join two parts of a sentence?

Q4. Which link word is followed by a comma?

Suggested answers:

Q1. Yes.

Q2. However

Q3. But

Q4. However

b. Look at the link words although and while in these sentences. And answer the questions.

1) Norway is at the top of the list, while the united states is at number 7.

2) The UK is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list.

3) Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated.

4) Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more.

Q1. Which sentences compare two facts?

Q2. Which sentences can you rewrite using the word but?

Suggested answers:

Q1. All of them.

Q2. All of them.

Step 2. Explanation.

a. but and however

but 作为并列连词,在意义上起转折作用。 but 前后的两个句子或短语在意义上形成鲜明对照。 but 用来连接两个分句或两个较长的短语时, but 前面一般要加逗号。例如:

  ( 1 ) He is old but strong. 他年纪虽大却很强壮。

  ( 2 ) Learning the guitar isn't difficult, but you will have to practise.


  ( 3 ) He tried, but could not do it. 他试过,但是干不了。

 however 意为"可是,然而,尽管",较 but 的意味弱,通常用作连接性状语。其位置可以在句首,句末或插入句中。当其被用来对照两个分句时,中间需要有一个逗号;当它被用作句子的插入语时,则前后应各有一个逗号。例如:

  ( 4 ) However,we need not do that now. 可是,我们现在不需要做那个。

  ( 5 ) He said it was so;he was mistaken,however. 他说是那样的,然而他却弄错了。

  ( 6 ) His friends,however,had other ideas. 然而他的朋友们却另有见解。

  注: however 也可用作连接副词,意为"不论怎样",用来引导让步状语从句。例如:

  However we may do it,it will be a difficult job. 无论雪下得多大,我们都必须回去。

b. although and while


while 用作连词时,连接两个并列句子,表示"对比"关系。例如:

  He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home.


  I like singing while she likes dancing.


  You like sports, while I prefer music.



Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements.


He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy.


although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去Although也可。

c. Conclusion

1,but与 however,


不同点: ①but还可连接两个并列的成分,however不能;


2,although与 while



Step 3 Practice

a. 用 but, and 和 however 填空:

  1. I'd like to go with you, ________, my hands are full.

  2. I'm sorry, ________ I won't be able to come tonight.

  3. We must finish the job in time ________ hard it is.

  4. They will supply food ________ drink on Saturday.

  5. It looked like rain. ________, it is clear now.

  6. Building has started ______ the project will be finished by 2000.

Suggested answers:

1. however 2. but 3. however 4. and 5. However 6. and

b. 用but, however, while, although 填空。

1. I can not speak Russian ______ my little daughter can.

2. I think there may, ______, be some other reasons we don't know about.

3. My brother decided to go to that dangerous place, _____ I asked him not to.

4. The boy had said he wouldn't do it again, ______ he broke his promise.

5. He didn't turn on the light, _____ it was very dark in the room.

Suggested answers:

1. while 2. however 3. although 4. but 5. although

Step 4 Vocabulary and listening

a. Pre-listening

Check the meaning of the following words.

Construction crowded fascinating freeway

Huge inhabitants similarity unfortunate

Now answer the questions:

1) Which words can be used to describe a city?

2) Which word is connected with building?

3) Which word means the opposite of difference?

4) Which word do we use to say that something is sad?

5) Which word describes the people who live in a particular place?

6) Which word means a wide road on which cars can travel fast?

Suggested answers:

1. crowded, fascinating, huge

2. construction

3. similarity

4. unfortunate

5. inhabitant

6. freeway

b. While-listening

1. Listen to the conversation and tick the topics you hear.

Climate industry location pollution population

Safety tourism transport wealth

Suggested answers:

The only topic they don't cover is location

2. Listen to the tape again. And tick the statements you think are true.

1) Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowed.

2) Beijing doesn't have as many freeways as Sydney does.

3) There are fewer tourists in Sydney than in Beijing.

4) Beijing has less rain than Sydney.

5) Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney.

6) Beijing doesn't have as much pollution as Sydney.

7) There are as many rich people in Beijing as in Sydney.

8) Beijing is as lively as Sydney.

Suggested answers:

1,2,4,7,8 are true.

c. Post-reading

Listen to the tape carefully. Fill in the blanks with suitable words according to what you hear.

Lingling: Is this your first time in Beijing, Richard?

Richard: Yes, it is.

L: How do you find it?

R: It's totally _______. It's so different from Sydney, where I live.

L: No I'm fascinated. Tell me about the _______, as you see them.

R: well, Sydney's a younger city than Beijing. Beijing has a lot more _______and is much more crowded.

L: Yes, we certainly have a huge _______, like most Chinese cities.

R: It's very exciting, as a result. And there's so much construction going on.

L: I know, we're growing very fast. For example, I don't think we have as many _______as Sydney does, but we soon will.

R: I believe you! I think there are fewer ______ in Beijing-at least fro now. and I get the feeling that Beijing is less ______.

L: Yes, there's probably a lot less _____here.

R: What about the _______? I think Sydney has less rain.

L: yes, we can get a lot of ____ in July and August.

R: I've noticed! It's pouring at the moment.

L: The good thing about the rain, of course, is that it washes the _______away.

R: I've noticed that too. We don't have as much pollution as you do.

L: That's because you have less ______. The air can get quite polluted here... Ok, so that covers a lot of the differences. But are there any ________?

R: Oh yes...for example, I notice the wealth and the ______.

L: Sorry, I didn't get that.

R: The wealth and energy. I thin there are as many rich people her as in Sydney... and I think your city is just as ______as mine.

L: That' s good to hear. So shall we go out this evening and find some of the _____?

1. fascinating 2. differences 3. inhabitants 4. population 5. freeways 6. tourists

7. dangerous 8. crime 9. climate 10 rain 11. pollution 12. industry

13. similarities 14. energy 15. lively 16. action


1. Go over the grammar points we have learned in this lesson.

2. Finish the exercises 1, 2 on page 73.

Choose the right answer

Learn & do exx

Learn & do exx 17'

