2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用):Unit 2《Wish you were here》Grammar and usage(1)
2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用):Unit 2《Wish you were here》Grammar and usage(1)第1页

 Unit 2 Wish you were here

主备人: 执教者:__________

【课时内容】Grammar and usage(1):

Future continuous tense and Future in the past

【学习目标】To recognize when to use these tenses and how the tense is formed.



1.She told me not to worry. They (try) their best to help me out.

2.I won't be free this afternoon. I (see) a friend off at the airport.

3. The old lady (talk) about her grandchildren every time she was there.

4.Our teacher (come) to our discussion this morning, but he was sent

 to Beijing yesterday afternoon.

5. I (disturb) you if I watch TV here?

6.The teacher told us that we (tell) our test scores the next day.

7. I can't imagine what she _____________(do)this time tomorrow.

8. I couldn't go to see a film with them then because I _________(see)a doctor in the hospital.

10. He worked hard, which ___________(lead)her to success.

5. The train __________(leave)in 10 minutes, so he kept asking the taxi-driver to driver faster.


语法聚焦A: 将来进行时

一.基本结构: will be doing

He will be watching TV this time tomorrow.

He will not be watching TV this time tomorrow.

Will he be watching TV this time tomorrow?

Yes, he will. / No, he will not(won't).



This time tomorrow I will be flying to Hang Zhou

I will be watching TV in the room at eight tomorrow evening


I will be writing the novel all next year.

Toby will be climbing in Himalayas all next week

3.委婉地询问对方的未来计划或表示缓和的命令。(比用will do听起来更有礼貌。)

Will you be painting the walls tomorrow?

You will be coming at six o'clock.

He will be very busy tomorrow,so he won't be coming home.

It is nearly eight now.They will soon be arriving.


We will be running out of the oil in ten minutes.

中华资源库The roses will be coming out soon.


一.基本结构:would do