【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit1《Living with technology》Welcome to the unit
【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit1《Living with technology》Welcome to the unit第1页

Teaching aims:

3. students will be able to take an overall attitude and discuss its advantages and disadvantages;

4. students will be able to use their imagination to create the ideas of their own invention.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Can you make a list of the electrical appliances and electronic devices you have at home?

electrical appliances: a machine, usually one that is electrical, that is used for doing jobs in the home, such as washing clothes or cooking.

Most homes now have numerous electrical appliances, from dishwashers to microwave ovens.

electronic devices: a usually small piece of equipment, especially advanced electronic equipment.

Some cars are fitted with a safety device which won't let the car start unless passengers are wearing seat belts.

• Microwave ovens

• Refrigerators

• TV sets

• Digital camera

Step 2 Talking about your experience

How have they changed our life?

What contributed to these great inventions?

A. The development of science and technology.

B. ...

C. ...

Step 3 Sharing your opinions

1. Do you agree with the following statements? (Please specify.)

(1) Technology has seen some amazing developments in the last few decades.

(2) Technological inventions have greatly improved people's lives.