2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用)《Unit 3 Amazing people》2
2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用)《Unit 3 Amazing people》2第1页


1、with / by / in:均可解释为"用",但有区别:


e.g. Most of us write with our right hands

You can make some sentences with these words.


e.g. He makes a living by repairing bikes for passers-by.

This car is made by hand. (手工的)

She came here by bike, not by bus.

in:指用"材料"。e.g. in cash, in letters, in words...

e.g. He writes in ink while she writes in pencil.

We express ourselves in English words.

2、disturb / interrupt


e.g. Loud noises will disturb our studies.

I'll be very sorry if I'm disturbing you.

She was disturbed to learn about the bad result.


e.g. Sorry to interrupt you, but I have sth important to tell you.

We have to interrupt our work to discuss the problem.

I don't like being interrupted while speaking.

3、a great deal of / a good many / a lot of / scores of / dozens of / a large number of / numbers of / plenty of / a large amount of

a good many / scores of / dozens of / a large number of / numbers of:只用来修饰可数名词的复数。

e.g. A good many students have seen the film already.

Numbers of books have been donated to the orphan home.

a great deal of 和a large amount of:均用来修饰不可数名词。

e.g. A great deal of / a large amount of water is wasted.

He has spent a great deal of / a large amount of money on the experiment.

a lot of / lots of / plenty of:既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。

e.g. a lot of / lots of / plenty of money / books / people / time / questions ...

注:many / some / several等数词,一般在它们后面直接接名词的复数形式。但假如后面的名词前使用了1)人称代词 2)指示代词 3)冠词,或者后面接的不是名词,而是代词,则必须在many / some / several后面用介词"of."。

Many of the students in our class are from town.

Some of them have been to Beijing once or twice
