2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案设计:Unit1 第1页




1.古典文学__________ 2.受好评的;受欢迎的__________

3.科幻小说__________ 4.和......无关__________

5.过时的__________ 6.(在......)有一席之地__________

7.建立在......基础上__________ 8.以......为背景__________

9.情愿......而不......__________ 10.增加;增添__________

11.对(某人)有偏见__________ 12.结识某人;和某人相识__________

13.文学评论__________ 14.发出哀叹__________

15.有......方面天赋__________ 16.以务农为生__________

17.一心想要;决心要__________ 18.看到;一看到__________

答案:1.classic literature 2.be well received 3.science fiction 4.have nothing to do with 5.old fashioned 6.have a place (in...) 7.(be) based on 8.be set in9.would rather...than... 10.add to 11.be prejudiced against 12.make the acquaintance of sb.或make sb.'s acquaintance 13.literary review 14.let out a sad sigh 15.have talent for 16.earn one's living by farming 17.be bent on 18.at the sight of


1.__________is writing that usually has rhythm that is repeated.

2.__________is writing that tells a story through attention and speech.

3.__________usually have many characters and a more complex plot than short stories.

4.We call a book a person writes about his or her own life an __________.

5.__________statements are often used to correct a mistaken idea.

答案:1.Poetry 2.Drama 3.Novels 4.autobiography 5.Negative


1.《飘》这部小说写得很好,很受欢迎,今天的人们仍然喜欢阅读。(be well received)

2.莎士比亚所用的语言不同于现在的语言。(be different from)

3.这部剧作以19世纪的英国农村为背景。(be set in)

4.战士们宁愿战死也不愿意向敌人投降。(would rather...than)

5.她明确向他表达了她不爱他。(make it clear that)

6.北京比赛的兴奋使他们很难一下子入眠。(excited by)

7.她唱得太美妙了,我从未听到比她更好的歌喉。(using negative statement)

8.在火车上读报都不是不常见的。(using negative statement)

9.并不是所有的鸟冬天都向南飞。(using negative statement)

10.我们不背诵就能记住词汇是不可能的。(using negative statement)

答案:1. Gone with the wind was so well written and well received that people still read it today.

2. The language used by Shakespeare is quite different from the language used today.

3. This play is set in England countryside in the 19th century.

4. The soldiers would rather die than give in to the enemy.

5. She made it clear that she didn't love him.

6. Excited by the game in Beijing, they can hardly fall into sleep at once.

7. How beautifully she sings. I have never heard a better voice.

8. It is not uncommon to find people reading newspaper on the train.