2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here-Reading教案 (1)
2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here-Reading教案 (1)第1页

Lesson plan Module2 Unite 2 Reading An adventure in Africa

Teaching aims:

1、 Ss will be able to describe Toby's travel plan in Africa, especially those adventurous activities he will do.

2、 Ss will be able to talk about their own travel plan by means of imitating the travel plan of the textbook.

3、 Ss will be able to get further familiar with Africa, and get interested in traveling and adventures.

Teaching difficulties: Ss will probably have difficulties in pronouncing those place names which they are not familiar with.

I. Lead-in

1、Show Ss some pictures about beautiful scenery, and start a talk about "traveling". Q1: What can travel experiences bring us?

2、In response to Q1, Ss give out their answers, listing their ideas about what travel experiences can bring us.

3、Assist Ss in answering this question, providing them with some possible answers.

4、Lead the talk to a discussion concerning Q2: If you were offered a chance to go traveling around the world, which place would you like to visit most and why is that place your favorite?(Pair work).

5、Eliciting students from traveling in Africa, giving Ss a general impression about Africa.