2019-2020学年北师大版高一必修3英语精品教案:Unit9 lesson1 On your bike
2019-2020学年北师大版高一必修3英语精品教案:Unit9 lesson1 On your bike第1页

Unit 9 Wheels

Lesson 1 On your bike教案

Teaching aims:

To draw students' attention to the unit objectives and ask them which of these activities are new.

To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous.

To read a newspaper article and understand the main points

To act out a dialogue explaining what has been happening

Teaching important points:

To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous.

To read a newspaper article and understand the main points

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warm up

Task1. students work in pairs, reading the key words and completing the table.

Task2. look at the pictures and identify these types of transport

Task3. Complete the table with the Key Words

Step2. Speaking

Work in Pairs. Say which type of transport:

• you have travelled in or on

• you use regularly

• you would like to travel in or on

e.g. I've been on/in a ... a few times.

I go to ... by ... every day.

I'd like to go on/in a ....

Step3. reading

Task1. Match these Key Words with the definitions

Task2. Read the text and find the following expressions