2018-2019学年度外研版选修六Module 6 Section ⅣLanguage Points (Ⅱ) (Learning about Language 学案(10页word)
2018-2019学年度外研版选修六Module 6 Section ⅣLanguage Points (Ⅱ) (Learning about Language 学案(10页word)第1页

Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)

(Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner)

  [教 材 语 篇 细 研]


  1.How were the landing troops treated by the villagers?

  They were welcomed and honored by the villagers.

  2.How did the writer think of all the fear and danger he had gone through?

  He thought all these were worthwhile.


  1.Who first thought of the idea of setting up UN peacekeepers?

  A.The Canadian Foreign Minister.

  B.The Swedish Prime Minister.

  C.The Australian Foreign Minister.

  D.The Italian Prime Minister.

  2.Why were the armed UN peacekeepers sent to the Middle East in 1957?

  A.Because they wanted to see what was happening there.

  B.Because they wanted to protect the Suez Canal.

  C.Because they wanted to settle a dispute about the Suez Canal.

  D.The British were fighting against Egyptians.

  3.From the passage we can conclude that .

  A.there were more international disputes before 2000

  B.there were less international disputes during the 1990s

  C.there were more international disputes after 2000

  D.there was almost no international dispute in the year of 1995

  4.Which of the following is NOT right?

  A.The UN peacekeepers wear sky­blue helmets.

  B.The UN peacekeepers are soldiers sent from different countries.

C.All UN peacekeeping operations are not successful.