2019学年度人教版选修八Unit5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod4Grammar阅读作业(6页word版含有解析)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod4Grammar阅读作业(6页word版含有解析)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修八Unit5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod4Grammar作业

 Ⅰ. 完形填空

  Two large Jewish immigrant groups settled in Israel-immigrants from Europe and America and immigrants from Asia and Africa. Those from Europe and America are 1 called Westerners. Those from Africa and Asia are called Orientals.

  When people from the two groups first came to Israel, their differences were 2 . Europeans and Americans were 3 to the ways of life of their former countries. Many had been 4 in European and American schools. Their families were usually 5 . Their standard of living was 6 .

   7 who came from Africa and Asia had 8 backgrounds. Many of these 9 had not attended school and they were illiterate(文盲的). Their families were large. Their living conditions were 10 . But, in spite of their living conditions, both groups were motivated by the desire to live in 11 .

  Both groups of immigrants 12 difficult problems when they 13 . The most urgent need was 14 . People who had been doctors or craft workers had to learn 15 to farm. Much of the land had to be 16 . There was little 17 and so hundreds of thousands of immigrants had to live in tents for years. Though everyone got 18 to eat, there were no luxuries(奢侈品)for many people for years. Now things have 19 . Life in Israel is different 20 from when the many new immigrants came.


1. A. seldom  B. usually  C. hardly  D. never

【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。与被称作东方人的移民相对, 来自欧美的移民应是通常被称作西方人。

2. A. obvious B. important

C. wonderful D. huge

【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。第二、三段从教育程度、生活水平等方面对两种犹太移民进行了比较, 可看出差别很明显。

3. A. connected B. addicted

C. used D. devoted

【解析】选C。固定搭配题。be used to sth. 意为"习惯于某事", 符合语境。

4. A. studied B. educated

C. working D. teaching

【解析】选B。前后对照题。根据句子后半部分的"schools"可知, 应该选教育, 再根据被动语态, 只能选择B项。

5. A. kind B. honest C. mean D. small

【解析】选D。前后对照题。由语境可知, 此处是在比较两种犹太移民的家庭规模。由第三段的large可推知, 此处应是small。

6. A. high B. pretty

C. complete D. full

【解析】选A。背景常识题。在此high用来描述standard, 指生活水平高, 故应该选A。

7. A. Asians B. Americans