《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学设计教案2
《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学设计教案2第1页


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Section A (1a-2c) the first period

一.教材分析(an analysis of the teaching materials)

The topic of this unit is about entertainment, students are very familiar with it and interested in it. This lesson is the first part of Unit 5, It is basically a listening and speaking lesson.Through the exercises ,students can know the target of this unit is to learn the english titles of different kinds of TV shows and the sentences how to express their interests and discuss about the plans. The difficult and important points are learn to use the infinitive.

二. 学情分析(an analysis of the students)

Students are very familiar with and interested in the topic about the TV shows and entertainment. Through many pictures and the multi-media,which can arouse the students' great interests and attendance in class,which can also generate great effects.

三. 教学目标 (Teaching aims )

知识目标 (knowledge aims)

(1)key vocabularies and phrases

news ,educational, plan, hope, find out talk show( ...show), go on , plan to do sth ,around the world.