外研版(一起点) 一年级上Module 1 Unit 1 Hello
外研版(一起点) 一年级上Module 1 Unit 1 Hello第1页

课题: Module 1 Unit 1 Hello!

设计者: 杨娟 _________________


项 目

号 学习目标 目标水平 学 习 学 习 评 价    了解 理解 掌握 运用 过 程 1 会认、会读两个招呼词:hello, hi! √ √ 说、听、认读 2 会认、会读四个卡通人物。Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling. √ 认读、说 3 4 教学


1、 掌握招呼词,并能运用于生活。

2、 结识四位卡通人物,图片与单词能配对。 教学

难点 两个招呼词与四个卡通人物的英语单词的认读。 教学过程

Teaching Procedure Teaching Content

Teaching Method

Teaching Purpose

Second Corrections of

Teaching Plan

Step 1: Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. I'm your new friend. I'm Miss Wang. You call me Miss Wang. (Write my name on the Bb.) 1. Free talk.

2. Ask and answer. 师生互动,轻松和谐对话,让学生自然地进入学习状态。 Step 2: New lesson.

T: Today we'll meet four friends to you. Who're they? Let's see them all together.

Ss: Ok.

T: Look at the picture. Who is she?

Ss: ...

T: It's Sam. First listen to me carefully. Sam, Sam, Sam.

Now please read after me. Sam.

Ss: Sam.

T: Sam↗, Sam↘.

Ss: Sam↗, Sam↘.

(Some games for the new word)

... ...

In the same way to teach the other three friends. They are Amy, Lingling, Daming and so on.) 1. Read in Chorus.

2. Listen and say.

3. Pair-work 以图片为教具,教学生认识人物,为学生识记做形象记忆。同时为后面新知的复习做铺垫。