【创新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案: Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship Cultural Corner
【创新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案: Module 3  Interpersonal Relationships Friendship Cultural Corner第1页

高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship Cultural Corner学案 外研版选修6



I. 佳句重现 Reading and Vocabulary

  1. When he reached__________(最后一句),everyone ______________(哄堂大笑)."Popular boy," I__________(心里想).

  2. I was twelve and,__________________(由于失去所有朋友),I felt shy and lonely at my new school.

  3. We ______________(互相信任)and we could __________(谈论私事),things that _____________(对我们重要).

  4. But under a year ago, Roy's father ________________(被撞死)by a car.

  5. These days, Roy and I see each other ______________(偶尔),but we're no longer close.

  6. Having ________________(把东西忘在衣帽间), I went inside to get it, and found Roy


  7. My mouth ________(张大)and I just looked at him. Roy _____________(满脸通红).

  8. I could feel a lot of _________(纸币)and I _____________(掏了出来).

  9. At that moment, the door ________(swing) open, and Roy walked in.

Everyday English

  1. We're _________________means we're very similar.

  2. _______________ means meet in order to do something nice.

  3. _______________means like each other a lot.

  4. ______________ means this is what I predict.

  5. _____________ means to like each other and understand each other.

Cultural Corner

  1. Friends Reunited brings together---________(也就是),unites----old friends,people who

   _______(曾经)be friends with each other.

  2. She and her husband ________(意识到)that the internet was the perfect way to _________(和某人取得联系)old friends,...

  3. Slowly, people __________(听说)the site and ____________(变得有兴趣).

4. Then the website was ______________(在收音机节目中提到)and suddenly the site became very popular.