2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8学案:Unit 1
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8学案:Unit 1第1页



  1. adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望→ adv.拼命地;绝望地

  2. adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的→ n.暴力,暴行

  3. vt.&vi.&n.(使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良→ n.改革者,改造者→ n.改善;改进;改造;改良;改革

  4. n.名声;名誉→ adj.声誉好的,有声望的,有信誉的

  5. vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要→ n.意图,目的;打算→ adj.故意的,蓄意的→ adv.故意地,蓄意地

  【答案】 1.desperate;desperately 2.violent;violence 3.reform;reformer;reformation 4.reputation;reputable 5.intend;intention;intentional;intentionally


  1.have nothing to do 与......无关

  2.be based 以......为基础

  3.live up 达到,符合(期望)

  4.at the sight 看见,一看到

  5.live 忍受;与......住在一起

  6.concentrate 集中精力做......

  7.belong 属于

  8.in honor 为了纪念,为向......表示敬意

  【答案】 1.with 2.on 3.to 4.of 5.with 6.on 7.to 8.of


  1.Later that day,a pair of brand new sneakers lay next to his chair,and (角落里还有个新足球).

2.Pip's sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who (宁愿) die (而不愿) see any harm come to Pip.