

Guidance to Techniques of Listening Comprehension


学校: 石嘴山市第三中学 姓名: 肖唯夏

科目 英语 课题 Guidance to Techniques of Listening Comprehension 课型 Listening 授课人 肖唯夏 学习

目标 1. To understand the requirements for listening comprehension part in the testing syllabus for NEMT;

2. To understand the requirements of listening skills;

3. To develop and master three important elements of listening skills--- topic-based vocabulary, auditory discrimination and prediction;

4. To deal with the difficulties in listening comprehension by using effective listening skills. 学习

重点 1. To develop the listening skills and ability;

2. To deal with the difficulties in listening comprehension by using effective listening skills. 学习

难点 To develop and handle three important elements of listening skills-topic-based vocabulary, auditory discrimination and prediction. 学法

指导 1. To use brain-storm to present examples;

2. To apply English song to helping students get familiar with Liaison, Contraction and Reduction. 学 习 过 程 学习笔记  Task 1. Understand the requirements for listening comprehension part in the testing syllabus for NEMT.

  ①. Understand the main idea of the dialogue.

  ②. Get the detailed information from the conversation.

  ③. Make simple judgment based on the content.

  ④. Understand the purpose and attitude of the speaker.


Task 2. Understand the requirements of listening skills.

①. Catch the key words.

②. Get the topic and the general idea.

③. Determine the sequence and the logical relationship of the passage.

④. Predict the content.

⑤. Understand the intention and attitude of the speakers

⑥. Decide the deeper meaning of the passage.

Task 3. Focus on three important elements of listening skills.

①. Topic-based Vocabulary

②. Auditory Discrimination

③. Prediction

Task 4. Present examples and use brain-storm to associate topic-based vocabulary.

e.g. medicine, nurse, doctor

e.g. order, menu, tea, steak

PracticeⅠ. Listen to a dialogue and choose the correct answer.

Where are the speakers?

A. In a hospital.

B. In a store.

C. In a car.

PracticeⅡ. Listen to a dialogue and choose the correct answer.

Where is the man probably?

A. In a bank.

B. In a post office.

C. In a supermarket.

Task 5. Listen to a music and focus on the Liaison, Contraction and Reduction part.

All About That Bass---Meghan Trainor

Because you know I'm all about that bass,

'Bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble

I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass

Yeah it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two

But I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do

'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase

All the right junk in all the right places

I see the magazines working that Photoshop

We know that shit ain't real

Come on now, make it stop

If you got beauty beauty just raise 'em up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Task 6. Exercise for auditory discrimination.

Part 1. Exercise for Liaison.

Consonant + Vowel

come in / work out / think of it

first of all / not at all / all of us


there is / there are / for ever

after all / far away / remember it

Vowel + Vowel

go out / too often / go on

try it / see off / go away

Part 2. Exercise for Contraction.

I am = I'm She is = She's

I will let you know.= I'll let you know.

Cannot you do it?= Can't you do it?

Do not you like it?= Don't you like it?

What is your name?= What's your name?

Part 3. Exercise for Reduction.

Pass me the book.

You can come later.

Do you want that magazine?

I saw her last year.

I'd like to give him a surprise.

PracticeⅢ. Listen to a dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Excuse me, __________________.


PracticeⅣ. Listen to a dialogue and choose the correct answer.

What is the man afraid of?

A. Having an accident.

B. Missing the interview.

C. Saying something wrong.

Then fill in the blanks.

W: Come on. It's only an interview.

M: _________________________? What if I panic?


Task 7. Apply prediction method to listening comprehension.

Part 1. Set your target and choose the correct answer.

Ⅴ. When will the man pick up the children?

A. At 6:00 p.m.

B. At 5:30 p.m.

C. At 4:00 p.m.

Part 2. Read the questions ahead of time, try to catch some key words and predict the topic.


14. What does John do now?

15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?

16. How many people will the woman hire?

17. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office.

C. In a classroom.

Food? Weather? Shopping? Job Interview?

Then listen to the topic and check your answer.

Task 8. Make a summary.

Three Important Elements of Listening Skills

1. Topic-based Vocabulary (话题词汇)

Catch the key words.

2. Auditory Discrimination (辨音能力)

Liaison(连读) Contraction(缩读) Reduction (弱读)

3. Prediction (听前预测)

① Set your target (确立目标)

② Predict the topic (预测话题)

Task 9. Discuss difficulties in listening comprehension and give tips.

Which part do you lose your scores frequently?


1.Time limited. 4. .............................

2.Stressful and nervous. 5. ..............................

3. ................................. 6. .............................


1. Calm down and focus on the process. 5. ..................................

2. Read the questions ahead of time. 6. ..................................

3. Skip the uncertain questions. 7. ..................................

4. ................................................ 8. ..................................

