2019届译林版高考英语必修四课堂讲义:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(一) Welcome to the unit & Reading—Pre-reading Word版含答案
2019届译林版高考英语必修四课堂讲义:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(一) Welcome to the unit & Reading—Pre-reading Word版含答案第1页

课时跟踪练(一) Welcome to the unit & Reading -Pr-reading


  This 1.presentation will give you some information about RealCine. The technology behind RealCine is VR. It puts the users into action and 2.connects with the users' four senses in an active way.

  With VR, it is possible for us to do things that could never be 3.achieved in real life.

  It can be used in many other ways. It can be a good 8.treatment for people with social problems. It can be used to practise skills in a 9.secure environment. For example, firefighters could be trained safely. It could also be used in class. Teachers could bring history alive using it.

  Finally, RealCine provides 10.fantastic technology for urban planning, which is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urban planning is done today.


  When you actually think that humans evolved from apes, it's very clear just how different we actually look from our ancient ancestors. Even compared to the earliest Homo sapiens (智人), we look much, much different.

  So, it would be foolish of us to assume that the human species is all done evolving and that humans will look the way they do now forever!

  Artist Nickolay Lamm partnered with a Dr.Alan Kwan, a computational geneticist, to come up with an idea of what humans could look like 20,000, 60,000, and 100,000 years in the future.They put their heads together and came up with some (literally) eye­popping digital renderings.

  Dr.Kwan based his ideas about the humans of the future's looks by predicting what their living environments might be like, and researching how humans have evolved over the last 500 to 700 years.He believes that humans might have a larger forehead because our foreheads are currently much bigger than they were in the 1300s; why wouldn't they keep growing?

  The two also came up with the idea that humans will have enormous eyes because they will be traveling in the darkness of spare much more. If humans of the future are spending much more time in darkness, their eyes would have to evolve to be larger to be more sensitive to light and see better.

Along with larger eyes and foreheads, Dr. Kwan and Lamm believe general size of human heads will increase as their brains become larger, and that their skin tone will be darker to protect them against UV rays.