【顶尖教案】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案(4):M 1 My First Day at Senior High
【顶尖教案】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案(4):M 1 My First Day at Senior High第1页

  Period ⅣCultural Corner & Writing













  本节课内容是阅读一名美国中学生写的电子邮件,通过回答问题的方式,为写一封回信做准备。通过Cultural Corner让学生初步了解和比较中美两国的中学教学体系的不同。






  Show a picture on the screen and ask the students to imagine the school life of a middle school student in the US. What matters is not their knowledge about the middle schools in the US, but the training of their speaking skills. If they have any trouble, the teacher may give them a hand by providing some questions such as "Is the school similar to our school?".
