2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod1Warming Up & Reading基础知识综合作业(5页word版含有解析)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod1Warming Up & Reading基础知识综合作业(5页word版含有解析)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 5Meeting your ancestorsPeriod1Warming Up & Reading基础知识综合作业

Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said sharply(sharp), "Don't be so mean, "pointing a finger of warning at her.

2. Can't you question the accuracy(accurate) of measurement by the greenhand?

3. Many people in Sudan are still in danger of death from starvation(starve).

4. Henry hurt his finger badly while sharpening(sharp) his pencil.

5. I have been so busy that I have no time to clean the messy(mess) room.

6. The more information we get, the stronger our analysis(analyse) will be.

7. Assuming(assume) that we can't get the necessary equipment, we will have to give it up.

8. She has kept up physical training for several years without interruption(interrupt).

9. They found that almost all of the categories(category) showed a drop in these "mood words" over time.

10. By analysing(analyse) whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as easy ones, they can recognize possible cheaters.

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. It is assumed that there is a direct link between smoking and lung cancer.



2. You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a single man. (alternative)


3. As we have stressed many times, "serve the people" is our first policy. (as)

正如我们多次强调的那样, 为人民服务是我们的第一宗旨。

4. There's no light in the room. They must have gone to bed. (must)

房间里没有灯光, 他们肯定已经上床睡觉了。

5. I suggest that the boy (should) be sent to the hospital at once. (suggest)


6. It is a pleasure to have a cool drink in such hot weather. (pleasure)

在这么炎热的天气里, 喝杯冷饮真是一件愉快的事。

7. It is important to keep him informed regardless of what happens to the company.


不管公司发生什么事, 随时通知他是非常重要的。

8. He was badly cut up when his girlfriend gave him back his ring. (cut)

当女友将戒指送还给他时, 他非常伤心。

Ⅲ. 单句改错

1. Alice cut down the pork ribs and began to cook them.


2. His health alternated among better and worse.
