

SECSB 1B Unit 13 Healthy eating

一. 诵读背会重点单词和短语

胃/肚子, 发烧/狂热, 桃子, 熟的/成熟的, 检查, 充足/大量/富裕, 精力/能量, 不含酒精的, 燃料/营养物, 日常饮食, 营养物质, 豆/豆科植物, 产品/产物, 纤维/纤维制品, 矿物/矿石, 起作用/运转/功能/作用, 化学制品/化学药品, 平衡, 消化/领会, 增加/获得, 好吃的/可口的, 蘑菇, 咸肉/熏肉, 混合/混合物, 一匙的量, 薄片/切片/切成薄片:junk food(= sweet/tasty food, but not good for one's health), plenty of, keep up with(区别catch up with), the high pace of, be good for(Cf: be good at), spend...on, now and then(=now and again/occasionally, roll up, be careful with(=deal with carefully, 区分be careful of/about), eating habits, traditional diets, make the choices(=choose), choose from, go for sb/sth(=adapt to/apply to),fast food restaurant,gain weight,keep sb/sth going(=have sb/sth active/well 区分set sb/sth going), keep...from doing(=prevent/stop...from), every now and then, namely

二. 读重点句子,翻译并仿照造句

1.I've got pain here. Just here. Ouch! 2. You ought to be careful with fruit. (ought to be参考P131 2. 区分be careful about/of: She should be careful of/about her food. ) 3. It was a bit green. (区分not a bit green/=not at all..., not a little green/=very... ) 4. You'd better get some rest. Take this medicine three times a day. 5. I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future. 6. There's something wrong with my back / my knee / my arm. 7. Drink plenty of water and get some rest. (plenty of + n./sing.& plu.) 8. Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was. 9.Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.(=As our habits have changed, our way of life has changed./Our eating habits have changes, and our way of life has changed, too.) 10.If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat. 11.Some nutrients help build our body and make it stronger. 12.Fish, meat and beans contain a lot of protein.(contain指"整体", include指"列举内容是整体一部分".) 13.We should also ear carbohydrates, the main fuel for our body, which we can get from bread, rice and noodles. ( 注意which在定语从句中的成分。) 14.It is probably better, however, if we spend our time and money on buying good food and keeping a balanced diet. ( = spend...on buying... and keeping... ) 15.The same goes for "crash diets" that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.(the same...that/as/who/which/when/where...: This is the same wallet that/as I lost a week ago. / Put the book back in the same place where it was. / She goes to the same university as her father did. 表"雷同"的说法:I get up at 6 everyday. It is the same with him. He goes to school at 7 am. The same goes for me. ) 16.Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.(参见"精要"P206) 17. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are---all we have to do is clean or peel them. (clean = to clean, 动词不定式作表语可省to) 五.用五句话概括本单元Reading的内容

三. 区分并会用课文中"语法部分"的had better/had better not和should / ought to do。

四. 根据课文P6第二封信的内容,写一封回信,建议不少于四条。

SECSB 1B Unit 14 Festivals

一. 诵读背会重点单词和短语读重点句子,

主题, 复活节, 符号/象征, 战斗/打仗, 斗争/冲突/战斗, 争论/辩论(n & v ), 意见/看法, 重大的/主要的, 大概/很可能, 尊敬/给予荣誉, 祖先/祖宗, 法则/原则/原理, 国家/民族, 目的/意图, 创造性(力), 信任/信念/忠实, 商业的/贸易的, 相似的, 一代, 行礼/敬礼, 庆祝/庆典(n & v), 尊敬/尊重, 邀请/邀请信(n & v), in one's opinion, play a trick on sb, treat sb. to, (Cf: treat ...as/treat oneself to), give away(=present sb with),make peace(Cf: make peace with sb),look sb/sth into eyes (= strait at ), compare ...with, dress up, think about, have many things in common, give thinks for, call a taxi, decorate...with, believe in, a seven-day festival