【精品教案】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修二教案:Module3 Music
【精品教案】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修二教案:Module3 Music第1页

Module 3 Music

I. Ask some students to say something about Mozart. Give as many details as possible.

II. Try to think of a Chinese musician or composer, eg. Xu Peidong.

Gather these materials.

1. when, where and in what kind of family he/ she was born.

2. how he/ she spent his/ her childhood or youth.

3. about his/ her education

4. what are his/ her famous works

5. what his/ her style is / was

Group work. Ask the students to discuss about the musician or composer.

 Then ask some students to stand up to say sth. about the musician or composer.

Correct the mistakes if any.

III. Turn to page 29. Cultural Corner.

Ye Xiaogang

1. Listen to the passage and try to find the answer to this question:

  When did his album Horizon appear? (in 1986)

2. Read the passage thoroughly and make a note of the information about Ye Xiaogang.

Name:_________________ Sex: __________________

Nationality:_____________ Job:___________________

Main achievements: ____________________________________________

Style of music: ____________________________

What he did or happened to him in the following years:

1955: ___________________________________________

From 1978 to 1983: ___________________________________________

1985: ___________________________________________

1986: ___________________________________________

1996: ___________________________________________