2018-2019学年北师大版高一英语学案:Unit10 要点解析1
2018-2019学年北师大版高一英语学案:Unit10 要点解析1第1页

When less is more

Read the text on page 12 and fill in the following blanks.

Beginning: Presenting a question -What can you do with 5 yuan?

-1.______ along the banks of the Yellow River. Para. 1: Explaining the reason for doing this Erosion of the land along the Yellow River is serious and it has forced 2.______ to leave their homeland. Para. 2: Who should be responsible for controlling Yellow River erosion? Government, international organizations and 3.______ of us. Para. 3: Your role in stopping Yellow River erosion Buy a tree → Help soil 4.______ on the land → Farmers can grow crops → Develop local economies Para. 4: The effect your 5 yuan can have Create a 5.______ for our motherland.

Key: 1. Buy a tree 2. local farmers 3. everyone 4. stay 5. green future