2018--2019学年人教版必修必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games grammar2学案
2018--2019学年人教版必修必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games grammar2学案第1页

Unit 2 The Olympic Games学案

Grammar (2)

学习目标:By the end of this class, the students will be able to

do the future study about the Future Passive Voice by themselves.



1. She often waters the flowers every morning.


The flowers are often watered every morning.

2. He invites me to the party.


I am invited to the party.

将来时的被动语态(will/shall/be going to + be done)

3. We will send him there tomorrow.


He will be sent there tomorrow.

4. The rabbits will eat the carrots.


The carrots will be eaten by the rabbits.



1. The Chinese food _________ to be the healthiest in the world.

A. considers B. is considering C. is considered D. has considered

2. John _______, for he went swimming yesterday without permission.

 A. would punished B. had punished C. punished D. was punished

3. The work _________ soon.

 A. will be finished B. has been finished C. will finish D. finishes

4. All those old buildings __________ down tomorrow.

A. will be knocked B. will knock C. will have knocked D. knock