2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit14学案How to prepare for a job interview
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit14学案How to prepare for a job interview第1页

How to prepare for a job interview

 When the company you want to work for wants to interview you. That means they are interested in hiring you! But the job isn't yours, yet. The company will pick one person from several people. You need to convince them that you are the right person for the job.

 Before you walk in the door, get ready for the interview. Don't be nervous. Get busy! Here's how to prepare:

1.Learn as much as you can about the company. Read up on the company, when you answer the questions, try to work in some information you've learned.

2.Plan answers to common questions. Such as "What can you do for our company?" or "What are your strengths and your weaknesses?"

3.Make a good first impression on the interview. Be on time for your interview and wear the business-like clothes.

4.Be positive. Smile at your interviewer and look your interviewer in the eye. Don't forget to shake hands.

5.Don't worry about salary just yet. The first interview is the time to show what you can offer to the company. If they'll ask you back for a second interview. Then you can discuss what the company can offer you.